Thursday, November 25, 2010

What's passion got to do with it?

We have passion for our children so we take care of them, nurture them and love them.
We have passion for our husbands so we take care of him, support him and love him.
We have passion for our hobbies, outlets and spiritual practices so we participate with energy.
If we have passion for our health then we need to take care of ourselves, support ourselves and love ourselves. What does that mean?
If your child calls for you from the next room - what do you do? You put down whatever it was that you were doing and go to them. There is no inner conversation like 'He can wait - I have to watch the rest of this show' or 'It's probably nothing - I'll get to her later'. No - you just go!
Passion is a state of consciousness. It is the engine that drives the action. Without passion there is no result. That's why it is recommended to find a job or profession that you are passionate about.
Becoming passionate about your health means that every time you go to the grocery store your passion tells you to buy fruit instead of PopTarts, raw sugar instead of sweet 'n' low, oatmeal instead of Cheerios. There is no bargaining with your consciousness.
Being passionate about your fitness means that you FIND SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT AND LOVE DOING. Even if it means putting on some music, closing the door and dancing around the room for an hour. It means finding something that you look forward to doing every day. It should be a ritual like brushing your teeth, combing you hair, putting on makeup, having that morning cup of coffee or tea or meditating for 5 minutes before you hit the door.
If working out is a chore or something you're going to do until you lose 10 pounds not only will the results be slow (if at all ) but as soon as you stop you will go back to what you knew before and the 10 pounds will find you again.
Stop telling yourself how much you hate your thighs or tummy or legs. Your body can hear that! How does it feel when you know when someone hates you or when you hate something. Hate is a very disturbing energy especially when its directed at yourself. Shift your consciousness to loving yourself. Love is healing and energetic.


  1. Yes, there should always be something positive to be passionate about. I agree that negative energy can only bring you down.

  2. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.

    Have a nice day!

  3. Glad to be following your blog. I am a health and fitness zealot myself. Following you from MBC. Be sure to pop in Mom's guide to Travel and say hi. My fitness blog is www.workoutwendy.word as well. Thanks.
